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Welcome to Porcelain Marks & More!

This privately run website offers a lot of useful information for free (no ads, no pop-ups, no cookies, no thumbprinting, no re-directs, etc.). A few factory entries (red text in the appropriate menus) can only be viewed by PM&M site members. The fee and registration procedure is explained on the membership page. Single questions from people with an item from a manufacturer listed there will of course still be answered free of charge, but such a reply will only contain basic info.

Please read the info provided in the 2024 changelog ! If you are viewing this via mobile device: my site contains a huge load of text and images, spread across many different levels. Content like this is normally not intended for mobile use as such structures are either hard to follow or navigate. I have tried to make it as straight-forward as possible but people might still get lost. Please visit this site via desktop browsing to get accustomed with its navigation.

Some people ask what to do if they do not know the region of Germany or the exact town where a specific manufacturer was located. In such cases please check the Factory Index which can be also be reached through the RESOURCES menu.

Quite a number of manufacturers is not included on this site yet; either I did not have time to include them or there simply was not enough information for an own page. The list of manufacturers set aside for future release are collected in the To-Do-List which can be also be reached through the RESOURCES menu. Of course you can email me if you have a question regarding one of the manufacturers listed there.

Last update: September 24th, 2024

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