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Meretitz (Miřetice) near Klösterle (Klášterec)

[1] Fabrik für keramische Erzeugnisse Venier & Co. (1900 until 1914)

This factory was located in the small town of Meretitz (Miřetice) near Klösterle (Klášterec) and originally only established by Franz Venier who was then joined by his brother, Christian, a year later. Both were the sons of Karl Venier, the former director of the Gräflich Thun'sche Porzellan-Fabrik in Klösterle (Klášterec). The brothers specialized on regular household tableware with lead-free glazes, often with "Zwiebelmuster" (Blue Onion) decoration. The factory quickly became relatively successful and had around 70 workers in 1901.

[2] Porzellan- und Steingutfabrik J. Koch (1914 until 1918)

The Venier brothers constantly improved equipment and quality, steadily increasing their workforce up to around 140 workers in 1913. When the First World War broke out, they decided to sell the whole business to Josef Koch who was eager to take over at first. Due to the war, the overall market situation quickly changed. Koch was near bankruptcy when the war ended and saw himself forced to sell the factory again.

[3] Porzellan- und Steingutfabrik Gottfried & Vielgut (1918 until 1921)

The factory was then taken over by Anton Gottfried together with the financial backer Oskar Vielgut, who was already involved in another business located in Meretitz, the Porzellanfabrik Tuma & Vielgut. With just over 160 workers at that time, the business merged into the Vereinigte Porzellanfabriken "Porzellan-Union" AG in 1921. It was however only a short intermezzo: already in 1927 the Porzellan-Union merged into its former main competitor, the EPIAG.



Image 020713-01-01

Used between 1900 and 1921, larger "V" for Vernier and smaller "K" for Klösterle (Klášterec).

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