is the German term for overglaze and is often also used as part of the word Aufglasurmalerei (overglaze decoration). Both terms stand for a form of finish that is often found on older decoration studio items and is very difficult to clean due to the fact that the decoration is not protected. Certain decoration aspects however profited from the absence of a final glaze, hence overglaze decorations had (and still have) their own justification.
Direct counterpart is of course the so-called underglaze decoration, a term that descibes a different manufacturing procedure. Such items are fired once more following the decoration process and receive a final glaze finish that protects the decoration.
In this context one should also mention inglaze decoration, a mixed form of both above. In this case, the paint used for decorating is chemically more like a glaze and does not require a final covering as it directly fuzes with the body, resulting in a permanent decoration.
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